Squirrel on a Cliff


Welcome to the Friday edition of 3-Minute Coffee Pot Yoga! You've made it to the end of the week, and you need that double shot of coffee goodness to get through the day because you are a bada$$ chick with sh!t to do! You've got family to-dos and a meeting to prepare for on Monday. Let's un-blah your mood with some fun stretches. Picture your fur babies watching you boogie to a song you're humming while your coffee is gurgling along. Let's get stretching!

Stretch 1: Morning Reach

1.       Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.

2.       Inhale deeply, raise your arms overhead, and stretch towards the ceiling.

3.       Hold for a few seconds, then exhale and lower your arms.

4.       Repeat 3 times, feeling the stretch in your back and shoulders.

Stretch 2: Coffee Grinder Twists

1.       Sit comfortably on a chair or stand with your feet firmly on the ground.

2.       Place your hands on your shoulders, elbows out to the sides.

3.       Twist your torso to the left, then to the right, like you're grinding coffee beans.

4.       Continue for 30 seconds, moving with the rhythm of your song.

Stretch 3: Fur Baby Forward Fold

1.       Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

2.       Bend forward at the hips, reaching your hands toward your toes. Keep a slight bend in your knees.

3.       Let your head and neck relax, and imagine your fur babies joining in the fun.

4.       Hold for 20-30 seconds, then slowly rise back up.

Bonus: Coffee Pot Boogie

1.       Once you've done your stretches, take a moment to dance it out!

2.       Wiggle, shake, and move to the beat of your humming tune.

3.       Let loose and enjoy the moment.

You Got This!

Remember, it's all about enjoying the moment and taking a little time for yourself. You've got this, bada$$ chick!


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